Want to make Canadians happy? Ban ALL Robocalls period! Whether its for election purposes or...
November 23, 2012
Most people don’t stand up to bullying which is why we see kids committing suicide. It takes a very...
November 20, 2012
Hi Ken, The communications advice you give to OC Transpo is the pre-social media approach to...
October 13, 2012
Ken, the real driving force in gambling these days is online gambling as I wrote on your blog last...
October 9, 2012
Denis, I am a football fan. I count myself amoung them. My friends are football fans, a number...
October 5, 2012
If we want to build a sustainable City then redeveloping Carling Ave., a street that desperately...
October 4, 2012
Comments by James O'Grady
His values or his campaign slogan?
I voted: NoPoilievre laid his bed a long time ago. He's too far to the right for most Canadians. I expect his ranting and raving to have a chilling effect on the electorate.
Raping the land isn't a sustainable economic strategy. Just ask the many human civilizations who came and passed as a result.
Obviously, Covid played a role, but what in particular don't you like about the Liberal governments economic policy?